Due to a rapid rise in enrolments at the school, the Minister of Education gave approval for enrolment management strategies to be introduced. This means that enrolment criteria is now in place to manage numbers.
School Enrolment Management Plan
School Catchment Map
Out-of-catchment enrolments
Pullenvale State School gives preference to in-catchment enrolments. If there are available spaces within our school facilities, the Principal may decide to open out-of-catchment enrolments.
Out-of-catchment enrolments are processed in the order they are received, but this does not guarantee enrolment at Pullenvale State School. There are other criteria, including the Enrolment Management Plan, as well as vacancies in classes to be addressed.
To determine when your child can commence their prep year, use the prep ready reckoner calculator.
Proof of age will be required for sighting for all children being enrolled for the first time. In the absence of a birth certificate, acceptable alternatives include passport or visa.
Ensure regular attendance as each day’s work is built upon the previous day’s work. However, a child when ill, does not do his/her best work and should be kept at home to receive the care that will help him/her recover as quickly as possible.
The Education Act requires that a reason be given if children have been absent from, or late for school. We request that absences be reported to the office by 9.00am on the day of absence.
The staff appreciate receiving word about children who may have been ill or who have had something happen to them, as their welfare is our utmost concern.
Many children are embarrassed by arriving late to their class, so it is in their own interest to be at school by 8.45 am at the latest. The class attendance rolls are taken promptly at the start of the school day. Incidents of students arriving late without explanation are recorded.
Enrolment documents
Please complete the Enrolment Application, Enrolment Agreement, Media Consent Form, Prep Information Form and Student Resource Scheme (see links above) and attach a copy of proof of residence. The office will also need to sight a copy of your child's original birth certificate upon receiving the completed enrolment form. All details requested are needed to give the teaching team as complete a picture of each child as possible.
First day procedures
Children who have been enrolled should be taken directly to their classrooms. Preps commence at the same time as the rest of the school (8.50am) and finish at 3.00pm.
Transition to SchoolFor parents of children who are starting school, visit https://earlychildhood.qld.gov.au/earlyYears/Documents/transitions-starting-school-brochure.pdf for tips to support your child.