Instrumental Music
Students in Year 4, 5 and 6 are offered the opportunity to learn woodwind and percussion through the school instrumental music program. This program is run by the very talented Mr Damon Lougheed on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Follow this link to view the 2024 Instrumental Handbook.
Our band is made up of our year 5 and 6 students learning instrumental music through the school. Our band performs a variety of pieces that are always well received by our community. Mr Lougheed brings great enthusiasm and experience to band rehearsals. Making music is an important function of our brain and we love to nurture our budding musicians.
For more information, please contact Mr Damon Lougheed dloug4@eq.edu.au
Community Offerings
Private Lessons are available at Pullenvale for the following instruments:
• Piano - Jessica 0410 436 667 / jepe2@bigpond.com
The Arts
Pullenvale State School uses the Australian Curriculum to plan, teach, assess and report on student achievement in The Arts. Our students from Prep to Year 6 study Visual Art, Media Arts, Drama, Dance and Music as outlined in the Australian Curriculum all under the instruction of a specialist teacher.
The Australian Curriculum describes what young Australians should learn as they progress through schooling. It is the foundation for their future learning, growth and active participation in the Australian community. It sets out essential knowledge, understanding, skills and capabilities and provides a national standard for student achievement in core learning areas.
The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) has a rigorous and robust curriculum development process to produce a high-quality national curriculum. ACARA draws on the best national talent and expertise to draft the curriculum and considers thousands of opinions from teachers, academics and parents to business, industry and community groups – to make improvements along the way.

Visual Art
At Pullenvale State School, students from Prep to Year 6 participate in Visual Art classes over two terms with a specialist teacher. The Australian Curriculum breaks the Visual Art curriculum into two strands;
· Making: involves making representations of their ideas and intended meanings in different forms. This is achieved through problem-solving and decision-making, while developing knowledge, understanding and skills as they learn and apply techniques and processes using materials in 2D, 3D and 4D forms.
· Responding: involves viewing, manipulating, reflecting on, analysing, enjoying and evaluating their own and others' visual artworks.
While making and responding, students develop practical and critical understanding of how an artist uses an artwork to engage audiences and communicate meaning.

Media Art
At Pullenvale State School, students from Prep to Year 6 participate in Media Art classes over two terms with a specialist teacher. The Australian Curriculum breaks the Media Art curriculum into two strands;
· Making: involves using communications technologies to design, produce and distribute media artworks.
· Responding: involves students learning to explore, view, analyse and participate in media culture.
While making and responding, students engage with the key concepts, story principles and elements of media (technical and symbolic).

At Pullenvale State School, students from Prep to Year 6 participate in Dance class over two terms with a specialist teacher. The Australian Curriculum breaks the Dance curriculum into two strands;
· Making: involves improvising, choreographing, comparing and contrasting, refining, interpreting, practicing, rehearsing and performing.
· Responding: involves viewing, describing, reflecting on, analysing, appreciating and evaluating their own and others' dance works.
In both strands, students learn the processes of choreography, performance and appreciation. Students also learn to use safe dance practices.
At Pullenvale State School, students from Prep to Year 6 participate in a Drama class over two terms with a specialist teacher. The Australian Curriculum breaks the Drama curriculum into two strands;
- Making: involves improvising, playing, devising, acting, comparing and contrasting, refining, interpreting, practicing, rehearsing, presenting and performing. Students use voice, movement, language and ideas to explore characters, roles, relationships and situations.
- Responding: involves listening to, enjoying, reflecting on, analysing, appreciating and evaluating their own and others' drama works.
Students make, perform and respond to drama which enables them to express and communicate experiences through their creation and responses.
At Pullenvale State School, students from Prep to Year 6 participate in a Music class once a week with a specialist teacher. The Australian Curriculum breaks the Music curriculum into two strands;
- Making: involves active listening, imitating, improvising, composing, arranging, conducting, singing, playing, comparing and contrasting, refining, interpreting, recording and notating, practising, rehearsing, presenting and performing.
- Responding: involves students being audience members listening to, enjoying, reflecting on, analysing, appreciating and evaluating their own and others' musical works.
Both making and responding involve developing aural understanding of the elements of music through experiences in listening, performing and composing. The elements of music work together and underpin all musical activity. Students learn to make music using the voice, body, instruments, found sound sources, and information and communication technology. Music is recorded and communicated as notation by a unique system of symbols and terminology, and as audio recordings using technology. With increasing experience of the elements of music, students develop analytical skills and aesthetic understanding.
Artist-in-Residence Programs
Our Senior students are offered the opportunity to attend Artists-in-Residence Programs which are run at the Pullenvale Environmental Education Centre (PEEC).