The Pullenvale State School is located on Grandview road and is located roughly 15 km from the Brisbane’s Central Business District. Public transport to the area is by the Brisbane City Council express buses that stop along Moggill Road. Residents are close to shopping centres and other facilities in the neighbouring suburbs of Kenmore and Bellbowrie.
Values and beliefs
As a school community, we value and believe that we should respect and accommodate the rights of others. A sense of responsibility and caring towards self, others and the environment is promoted.
The school and parents working together with children maximise growth and encourage individual development in all aspects (intellectual, social, physical, emotional and spiritual).
Children need to develop as responsible, independent learners who are able to solve problems, function as individuals and work cooperatively in group situations.
Children bring with them a wealth of experience from a wide variety of social contexts and cultures.
Individual differences and needs are accommodated in a socially just environment.
Children learn in an integrated and holistic (whole) fashion through a wide range of experiences and activities.
The school engages in a curriculum that is relevant to the students and provides the tools to equip students with the basic life skills necessary to enhance personal development.
Children’s imagination and creativity should be encouraged.
Learning can be stimulated by supportive classroom climates with adequate and appropriate resources (human and material) that generate positive attitudes to learning.
Continuing staff professional development is imperative to the dynamism of the school.
The school environment/grounds reflect the pride of the community. It is essential that the students, P&C and members of the community strive to create a pleasing and stimulating environment.
The function of the school is to establish the foundations for a lifelong love of learning.
We believe in the family traditions and values associated with smaller schools. We recognise that demographic trends will bring about some growth at Pullenvale and that change will be inevitable. We therefore believe it imperative that we endeavour to maintain our semi-rural, welcoming spirit so that all new arrivals are integrated and included in school life and our friendly atmosphere is maintained.

School creed
This is our school,
Let peace dwell here.
Let the rooms be full of contentment,
Let love abide here.
Love self, love others,
Love life itself.
Let us remember that as many hands build a house,
So many hearts make a school.