Student Council
Students are elected by their peers to represent the views and ideas of the student body. They meet regularly as a group to put these views and ideas to the leaders of our school. Fundraising is an important role of the council; funds raised contribute towards a charity organisation as well as the funding of extra curricular activities such as lunchtime clubs. The student council is made up of students from grades 4, 5 and 6.

Art Club 2023
Art Club will be offered in 2024. The group will be lead by our Arts teacher Mrs Pugh. Number is the group are strictly limited. All details of sign up with be provided via School Stream.
Pullenvale Performers
Our talented, enthusiastic and committed group, Pullenvale Performers (previously known as Dance Team), will be offered again in 2024 (Term 1,2,3 & 4 in weeks 2-9 only). This group is open to all students in years 3-6 who enjoying singing, dancing, acting and performing. Pullenvale Performers will rehearse twice a week on Tuesday and Thursdays from 7.45-8.30am to prepare a repertoire of routines to perform at various school events and outside of school opportunities. The cost per student is $100 and covers various costume items that students will loan. Pullenvale Performers must be punctual and attend all rehearsals. All details of sign up will be provided via School Stream. Auditions may be held if numbers need to be limited. All details of sign up will be provided via School Stream.
Dance Fun
2024 Dance Fun (previously known as Dance Troupe) will be offered to students in Years 1 & 2 who enjoy to move to music. The Dance Fun group will meet on Fridays from 8-8.30am in weeks 2-9 of term 1 only. The cost of $20 per student is charged and will cover a shirt that will be worn for the performance at assembly at the end of term 1. All details of sign up will be provided via School Stream.

Pullenvale Touch Academy
The program runs for 12 months and is open for any student in the school who is aged between 10-12 years of age. Trials are conducted in Term 4 of the preceding year of which 3 teams are selected – a boys' & girls' team as well as a development team. The teams train twice a week and are involved in many competitions throughout the year culminating with the QLD All Schools Touch tournament in November, as well as the Ipswich Touch Club competition in Term 3 & 4.

Pullenvale Netball Academy
The Pullenvale Netball Academy is a trialled group of Year 4 to 6 students who love netball. It is made up of club and non-club players who train weekly.
Trials are held February each year looking for both girls and boys to play in competitive carnivals and then Primary Schools Cup in the September holidays.
Junior Choir and Senior Choir will be offered throughout the year. This activity is open for students who love to sing. Sign up is via School Stream and Rehearsals will take place in the Arts Room.
Get Active Club
Fitness Club is offered to years 4-6, and runs weekly throughout the year.
Fitness Club involves running training to improve technique, endurance and speed as well as circuit training with the objective to improve fitness, agility and strength.
Fitness Club is open to all students who aspire to improve their fitness levels, be active and train in a supportive, fun group environment.

Senior & Junior Robotics
Senior Robotics is offered to 20 year 5 students each year. The students meet once a week to program Lego Mindstorm Robots. This activity runs from early term 1 until mid term 4.
Junior Robotics is offered to the younger grades and uses Dash Robots and ipads to program them to complete set tasks.
Sign up will be via School Stream.
Japanese ClubJapanese Club runs weekly in the library. Students from year 1-6 can join in Pokémon colour-ins, drawing, games and watching cartoons. Students do not need cards to participate in the Pokémon activities as we have many games and toys purchased by the Student Council. No sign up is required.
Science ClubsEco Warriors
More information coming soon..