Welcome to the Pullenvale State School Parents & Citizens' Association.
We are proud to be Pullenvale.
The P&C strongly values building parent networks and friendship groups across our school community. This is particularly important for new parents coming to the school and the local area. After some significant changes throughout COVID we are prioritising making our meetings fun, social engagements that are efficient and not dominated by individuals. All ideas are welcome and across our diverse set of backgrounds there are a range of contributions that everyone can make. These will ultimately help all our kids and allow us to have a little fun while doing it.
One of the strengths of Pullenvale State School is its sense of community with its diversity, knowledge and experience. We encourage and welcome all families to join and contribute to our P&C.
Frequently asked questions:
Should you become a member?
Why attend our meetings?
What services do we provide?
What's the role of the P&C?
How can you support the P&C?
What's in it for you?
How can you get involved?
Parent Rep Program
Sponsorship & Donations
Tax Deductible Donations
What happens to the money raised?
What are some examples of what has been provided with the funds raised by the P&C?
Who is on the Executive Committee in 2022?
Do you want to know more about the P&C?
Should you become a member?
Yes, all members of our school community are welcome and encouraged to join and become involved in the activities of the P&C in some way - come along, it's a great way to meet other parents!
Joining the P&C is voluntary and each year the members elect an Executive Committee at our Annual General Meeting (AGM). You don't need to be an expert in education or parenting to join us. You just need to be prepared to share your perspective on topics as they arise and have a disposition to learn together as a group. Being willing and able to get involved with the planning and running events is a bonus, but not a requirement for membership.
Membership applications can now be made online – you no longer need to attend a meeting to submit your application. Please visit the P&C website for the link to our current membership form (membership needs to be renewed each year).
Why attend our meetings?
- It's a forum for discussion about the school and its general operation and to provide appropriate feedback and assistance to the Principal and leadership team.
· Contribute to the decision-making of what resources to provide to the school which are not supplied by Education Queensland.
· It's an opportunity for the discussion and sharing of ideas and through the organisation and instigation of fundraising and social events during the year.
· Keep up to date on the communication of matters dealt with by the P&C and sub-committees.
· As an opportunity to listen to and discuss matters raised by the principal in the meeting report.
· To be involved in the discussions as a group to determine changing directions of the school according to need and to assist with a healthy community involvement in the school.
What services do we provide?
The P&C provides a range of services for our school community including the Tuckshop, Uniform Shop, and offers a variety of extracurricular activities – see our Facebook page or website for more information.
The P&C funds and manages the Tuckshop and Uniform shop – crucial services designed to support and benefit our students and school families.
What's the role of the P&C?
· Fundraising to provide resources to enhance student learning and experiences
· Providing feedback on school programs, policies and activities
· Provide opportunities for parents and carers to be involved in their child's education
· Encouraging positive community partnerships between parents, students and staff.
How can you support the P&C?
· Order meals from the tuckshop
· Buy uniforms from the uniform shop
· Donate second hand uniforms
· Attend and support events & fundraisers
· “Just one thing" survey
· Spread the word
· Little things – containers for change, IGA Community Chest, Rebel Sport Community Give Backs
What's in it for you?
· Make your kids proud
· Make the school a better place for not only your child/ren but all our students
· Belong to a community
· Create a resilient community
· Meet more people
· Gain professional experience
· Save community resources
· Get to give something back
· Learn a lot
· Gives you a great sense of purpose
· Makes you feel great
· Volunteers live longer … it's true!
How can you get involved?
Volunteers are an extremely important part of Pullenvale State School and help support our classrooms, resource center, tuck-shop and the P & C.
If you are interested in volunteering with us, we ask that you complete the online “Just one thing" form. Your participation – no matter how big or small – will make a big difference.
All volunteers are required to review the Education Departments Mandatory All-Staff training (MAST) program and submit the declaration to the school. Mandatory All-Staff training program including the Student Protection Fact Sheet for contractors, volunteers and visitors to state schools document.
· Complete and return the Declaration for the Mandatory All-Staff training program
· Watch the Asbestos training video
Community members who would like to help at the school, require a Working With Children Blue Card. If you are volunteering at the school there is no cost to apply for a Blue Card. For further information, please go to Queensland Government Blue Card Services. https://www.bluecard.qld.gov.au/
Parent Rep Program
A school where parents and teachers work together offers many advantages to its students. At Pullenvale State School, the Parent Representative (Parent Rep) Program provides a personal approach to building an inclusive and engaged school community. The school has a designated Parent Rep Coordinator and each class has a Parent Representatives.
The role of the Parent Rep is to strengthen the parent–school partnership, create a welcoming class atmosphere for new families, provide face-to-face support for parents and promote parent involvement within our school. Here at Pullenvale State School, we believe that the best way to improve our children's educational environment and experiences is to encourage parents to work together with other parents, teachers and community members.
If you would like further information on the Parent Rep Program or how you can be involved as a parent at Pullenvale State School, please email repcoordinator@pullenvalepandc.org.au and repcoordinator1@pullenvalepandc.org.au
Sponsorship & Donations
We are very grateful for all the incredible support, sponsorship and donations we receive and we acknowledge and reward our sponsors. Wherever possible we like to support local.
Some ways you can help our school achieve this include:
· offer cash sponsorship to support fundraising activities
· donate an item or experience to our silent auction or raffle.
· provide a product, service or gift voucher for the event.
Tax Deductible Donations
We are endorsed as a DGR by the ATO as a school building fund. This public fund is established and maintained solely for providing money for the acquisition, construction or maintenance of a building used, or to be used, as a school or college. (Item 2.1.10, Section 30 of the ITAA).
People who make gifts or donations to a DGR are able to deduct those donations from their own income for tax purposes, and DGRs are eligible to receive funds from certain grant providers.
What happens to the money raised?
We use the profits we make to support extra-curricular activities, programs and contribute directly to various school projects, in line with our annually approved strategic direction and objectives, as directed by the membership. All of this is decided and voted on by our members at our monthly meetings.
What are some examples of what has been provided with the funds raised by the P&C?![]()

Who is on the Executive Committee in 2022?
President: Dennis Gregory president@pullenvalepandc.org.au
Vice-President: Michael Creevey, Lorna McDonald
& Jeff Mychajlyszyn vicepresident@pullenvalepandc.org.au
Treasurer: Pam Howell treasurer@pullenvalepandc.org.au
Secretary: Jill Hodges secretary@pullenvalepandc.org.au
Class Rep Lorna MacDonald repcoordinator@pullenvalepandc.org.au
Coordinators Phoebe O'Brien repcoordinator1@pullenvalepandc.org.au
Do you want to know more about the P&C?
For further information about the P&C Association and/or volunteer opportunities, contact the P&C Executive Committee or check out our website for information.
You can also keep up to date with all the latest P&C info by liking our Facebook page.