Accidents and illnesses
Sometimes accidents or emergencies arise at school. In the case of a minor accident students are sent to the first aid room and attended to by a first aid officer. If an accident is serious, we will contact parents/caregivers immediately and an ambulance will be called if necessary or we are unable to contact parents/caregivers.
Please advise us if your child has any special health issues or allergies. Please note the following section on medication if any medication/treatment is required.
Parents seeking interviews with the principal or teaching staff should contact either the person concerned or the administrative staff for an appointment. This practice allows us to plan a time suitable for both parties. Parents should not approach teaching staff during teaching sessions, unless the matter is of an urgent nature. Feel free to contact the school administration at any time if you have any questions or concerns.
Assemblies are held each fortnight on Wednesdays at 2.15pm. Special events are arranged for these assemblies (eg presentations, guest speakers). However, the main purpose of assembly is the communication of information to the school in general and to build school unity. Parents are most welcome to attend.
Booklists are available from the website here and orders can be placed as per the instructions contained therein.
House system
The school is divided into 4 houses - Walker, Jagera, Bainbridge and Herron. Each student is allocated to a house on enrolment. Members of the same family are placed in the same house.
Infectious illnesses
Children who contract an infectious illness are to be kept at home until they are fully recovered.
Parents are advised to contact the principal if their children contract any of the following diseases, as various exclusion periods and rules apply:
Chicken pox, mumps, rubella, typhoid, conjunctivitis, poliomyelitis, viral hepatitis, whooping cough, leprosy, diphtheria, streptococcus infection, tuberculosis, measles, COVID.
Children suffering from impetigo (school sores), ringworm, head lice and scabies are generally permitted to attend school if adequate treatment has been obtained and lesions have been covered. Any queries should be directed to the office.
Lost property
Property found lying around the school is placed in the lost property box located next to the uniform shop. Labelled property is returned to the owner, therefore, it is important that all articles of clothing which may be removed during the day (hats, jumpers, raincoats etc) be clearly and permanently named.
Please encourage your child to look in the lost property box, or you may wish to do this yourself.
Only medication prescribed by a medical practitioner may be administered by school staff. An authorised staff member may give oral medication on the completion of a medication authority form. A medication authority form is available from the office. The instruction for dosage and administration times must be written on the container by a pharmacist or doctor. The school cannot accept the instructions solely of the parent/guardian. All medicines must be delivered to the office by a parent and will be kept in a secure place in the office.
A student may be responsible for their inhaler for asthma with written permission from a parent/guardian and approval of the principal. The inhaler will be kept in the office (not in the student's school bag) for use when required. This is adhered to strictly for safety reasons.
Kiss, Drop and Go is located at the upper end of the school, along with 8 angle parks. A car park exists at the lower end of the school. Parents are requested to pick up children and leave as quickly as possible as parking availability is limited. Entry to the upper car park outside the front gate is from the lower end of the hill and the exit by the top. Do not cross the double white lines. Each family is issued with a name card which is to be placed under the visor to display surname. Please ensure that this procedure is followed in the interests of safety.
The staff car park (accessed through the top gate) is for use by staff and official visitors only. Please do not walk through the carpark.
School Absence
If your child is going to be absent from school for any reason, please call the absence line on 3202 0366 or REPORT AN ABSENCE via the Schoolstream app. Please provide the following information:
Child's name
Reason for absence
Duration of absence
Exemption from Schooling more than 10 School Days
Parents are required to seek exemption from compulsory schooling when their son/daughter is to be absent for MORE THAN ten school days. Please complete the Student exemption from schooling form and make an appointment with the Principal to discuss the intended absence.
Student exemption from schooling more than 10 days (PDF, 280kb)
The school uniform is currently available for purchase from the Uniform Shop. The shop is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-11am. Please contact the Uniform Shop Convenor Nikki Williams for enquiries 0429 009 066.
Voluntary parent helpers
Teachers may invite parents to assist with activities in the classroom. Such activities may include listening to children read, preparing card activities, helping with arts and crafts, accompanying a group on an excursion and other such valuable tasks.
Volunteers will need to complete an annual Mandatory Training that outlines privacy, student protection among other things.
All voluntary parent helpers must sign in at the office for insurance purposes.
Emergency response policy
In the event of an emergency at school, the following procedures will be followed.
1. An assessment of the emergency is made by the administration team. Depending on the type of emergency, it may be necessary to:
- Lock-down the school (eg in the case of a dangerous intruder),
- Evacuate the school (onsite, for example in response to a fire in a building or offsite (eg to neighbouring schools in the case of floods).
If the emergency involves a staggered evacuation (as in the case of flood, where parents take children home as they are able), class rolls are to be taken and sent to the office at regular intervals as frequently as deemed necessary. In this case, children are also to be signed out at the office for cross reference purposes.
In the case of lengthy emergencies (eg floods), consider:
- The range of medical conditions/disabilities of students and the impact of the emergency on these students (eg children requiring medication that is not routinely held at school),
- Availability of bedding, food and location of families who may be able to assist.
2. Administration communicates the status of the emergency as deemed appropriate to:
- Parents in a timely fashion (using SMS messaging texts/individual calls as necessary) contact is to be tracked and recorded on the emergency registers held in the office,
- Education Queensland authorities – Brisbane Central and West District office personnel in the first instance, others as directed,
- Media are to be advised through Education Queensland's media and communication branch.
3. Debriefing session regarding the emergency and the school's response to be held as soon as is practicable after the event and is to involve parent and staff representatives.
4. Drills for lock down and fire emergencies are to be held throughout the school year and debriefed as soon as practicable after the events.
Further details about specific drills/procedures are available for staff in the staff handbook.